KSafe application is designed to help the individuals to get connected to nearest Govt. Approved volunteers during the emergency especially in the ongoing situation. The individuals minimal information will be collected during registration process, Mobile number, Name, Address, ward no. These information is collected only to connect volunteers when some one request help. The helps are basically categorized General help, food, medicine, and vehicle service. Only govt.approved volunteers belonging to the above category will be used for this service. When some one request for help, the request notification will be issued to nearest active volunteers available in the designated ward of panchayath or municipality or corporation. Whoever accept the request, that volunteer will be assigned to that individual for further communication. The mobile numbers of both individual and the volunteers will be shared mutually so that they can get connected at the earliest. As soon as request is served the personal details, name, address will be erased from volunteers panel, so that individuals information will no longer be available after the request is served